
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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vault on 18:37, 5. Nov, 2010
If I understand well, if I lost by tower destruction and opponent's tower lower than 33, it's major victory, so victory rating should be 1,75

In case of draw or loss

Major achievement - 75% EXP bonus

Tower destruction - Enemy tower below 33%

here is the report from game where opponent finished game with tower 8 and I get rating 1,25

Opponent: Barragan2
Outcome: Tower destruction victory
Winner: Barragan2
Hide opponent's cards: yes
Base = 100 EXP
Game rating
Modifier: 0.15, Total: 15 EXP
Opponent rating
Modifier: 0.5, Total: 8 EXP
Victory rating
Modifier: 1.25, Total: 10 EXP
Mojko on 18:59, 5. Nov, 2010
Game manual:

In case of draw or loss

Average victory is computed from all victory ratings, the result is rounded up.

The average victory is calculated in very simple way: Major victory is for 3 points, minor for 2 and tactical for 1. Average is calculated from all 3 partial victories (Resource accumulation, Tower building and Tower destruction). Then, the result is rounded up to nearest integer number.

In the case of your game the partial victories where as follows:

Resource accumulation: Tactical (1 point)
Tower building: Tactical (1 point)
Tower destruction: Major (3 points)

1 + 1 + 3 = 5
5 / 3 = 1.66
ceil(1.66) = 2

2 points = Minor victory.
vault on 19:04, 5. Nov, 2010
Oh, so I understood bad ;) now it's clear, sorry for false alert :)
Mojko on 19:05, 5. Nov, 2010
The system was adjusted a little bit, so you can't get major victory as easy as before if you lose, but on the other hand getting major victory if you win is just as difficult as before. On the other hand getting a minor victory is easier in case you won.

I did these changes because the rating system was adjusted to work with game constants because long mode was introduced (and it uses a different set of game constants).