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dimitris on 13:40, 27. Oct, 2010
This card is 0-cost that does 6 damage, has alliance keyword and refreshes your hand... No wonder why is so popular these days.

It can win a whole deck by itself...
jbryant3 on 13:41, 27. Oct, 2010
Yup... it's basically the work-horse of Alliance now, but Alliance needed a buff anyway.
dimitris on 13:45, 27. Oct, 2010
I never thought of Alliance as underpowered anyway. It's the most versatile keyword.
jbryant3 on 13:46, 27. Oct, 2010
"Versatile" isn't the same thing as strong. Plus, it wasn't that versatile before. It was only good at getting lots of recruits with Mountain sentry. Now it can get lots of gems with Chaos dwarf. If anything, Chaos dwarf made it more versatile.
dimitris on 13:49, 27. Oct, 2010
Don't have a way to respond to irony. Sorry
Mojko on 15:26, 27. Oct, 2010
I already noticed that and will change production x2 to recruits production x2 in the next balance changes.
vault on 15:36, 27. Oct, 2010
Mojko wrote:
I already noticed that and will change production x2 to recruits production x2 in the next balance changes.

are you kidding? it's only card that made alliance deck usable, until Fithz Hood created it, Alliance was totally weak keyword, with this "engine" it can work... so you wanna make it again unusable, ok ;) if I see last changes here, I can't be surprised by anything...
dimitris on 16:02, 27. Oct, 2010
Why not make it discard not only common cards? It would at least require some consideration before playing it.

Maybe add some bonus damage or bonus production in case it discards a rare?
dindon on 16:34, 27. Oct, 2010
Like Vault, I don't think Chaos dwarf is overpowered. To use it effectively, you really have to go all-in. If you're using more than a small number of non-alliance commons, then using Chaos Dwarf will be a real hassle.

If you make it so that it only multiplies recruit production, I see it being used very, very rarely. No-one uses the card for its damage. The damage is negligible. What they really get out of it is the extra production. And who's going to pay 6 recruits to (possibly) double one facility's production when there are already alliance cards that do that for 0 and 2 resources, respectively, without any condition?

If you're going to nerf it, I would say:
1) Don't nerf it as severely as you've suggested.
2) Give alliance decks something more to work with. Maybe a new, decent uncommon?
Fithz Hood on 20:44, 27. Oct, 2010
Yep, I think it's overpowered too. but i didn't tell before becouse I wanted alliance deck to become popular and more powerful.
the change I thougt is: make it cost 3/3/3. so you have to work first on your facilies to make it effective. maybe it can lose enduring.

ah, mountain sentry is pure overpower.
Fithz Hood on 21:33, 27. Oct, 2010
solution B:
give banish to guard post or
or create a new common banish that can be used in many decks.
give me a minute: here it is.
dindon on 23:42, 27. Oct, 2010
Speaking of banish, I'd like to take this opportunity to put forth my suggestion that charge and durable cards should be, on average, slightly more powerful than their non-charge, non-durable counterparts, because they're easier to discard (and because you risk adverse effects if they get discarded with a rare banish/skirmisher). That is all.
Mojko on 07:00, 28. Oct, 2010
I think adding banish cards is a good idea (adding Banish to existing cards). There ares still only few of them.
Lord Ornlu on 13:01, 29. Oct, 2010
There's also quite a few number of Skirmishers. It would make the game more interesting. Other than that, I consider Chaos Dwarf to be a pretty good card, not overpowering at all. Perhaps it would satisfy some people though if the production bonus was given to a random resource, rather than the whole production. Or make it enchance the production rate of 1-3 resources (random number each time)
Lord_Earthfire on 17:07, 26. Apr, 2011
Why does this card gives, althought it is runic, an additional effect when discarding an alliance card (Which is an alliance-like effect)?
Mojko on 17:29, 26. Apr, 2011
Because dwarves now dislike the elves, they discard the unit and reuse their equipment for resources and send the elves back home.
Lord_Earthfire on 18:07, 26. Apr, 2011
nice excuse ;) , ok i see that this is the nerf of chaos dwarf.
Arbnos on 12:52, 31. Aug, 2011
Self discard?
Lord_Earthfire on 19:28, 31. Aug, 2011
I dont think that this is possible, since when it would discard itself, the durable keyword replace the discard effect and then you draw the chaos dwarf again. And i believe that it is not possible reffering to the cards code:

$storage = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= 8; $i++)
if (($i != $cardpos) AND ($carddb->GetCard($mydata->Hand[$i])->Class == 'Common'))
$storage[] = $i;
if (count($storage) > 0)
$dis_index = $storage[array_rand($storage)];
if ($carddb->GetCard($mydata->Hand[$dis_index])->HasKeyword("Alliance"))
$bricks_production*= 2;
$gems_production*= 2;
$recruits_production*= 2;
$mydata->Hand[$dis_index] = $this->DrawCard($my_deck, $mydata->Hand, $cardpos, 'DrawCard_random');
$mydata->NewCards[$dis_index] = 1;

I think the condition is: ($i != $cardpos)
(I'm not quite sure if it is right, please correct me when i'm false)
Fithz Hood on 22:46, 22. Feb, 2012
as it is now is too powerful, and rising the cost will not change a thing since it's used mostly in brick based decks.
I propose another change:

Replace a card in hand with self
Raises wall based on replaced card rarity
If replaced card is Runic rises also tower
(C-2, U-5, R-10)