Fithz wrote:
but I do: my titan deck it's killed by cleansing.
maybe it's better if cleansing discards non-keyword cards
Perhaps Cleansing is a bit powerful. However I would like to point out that Titan decks are at risk from almost every mass discard card someone could employ. Be it one of the three we mention here or cards like
Moon Priestess,
Tribute or even
Elementalist, which is specifically targeting Titan cards.
If we put restrictions on one of these 3 cards then I think this will initiate the restriction of the aforementioned cards as well. And let's not forget there are still a lot of other cards (and keywords, like Burning or Holy) that aim on discarding. If we start restricting one thing, then soon we'll find restrictions on everything it's related to. And then we'll have to come up with restrictions on the cards they used to target, because they'll grow way too powerful.
For example: Nature used to be quite balanced when there was a chance you would get that crappy card Earthquake in hand. If the opponent kept a tower above 15, then he was quite saved. However when Earthquake was twitched into becoming a very good rare, Nature started becoming way too overpowered, as any card you summoned was going to be a successful hit on the opponent. So we came up with the idea to underpower Nature, and now Nature is wayyyyyyyyyy too underpowered. And since it's usually combined with Beast, another set of very underpowered cards (although, it's not a bad keyword), Nature now doesn't stand a chance against anything.
So my point is, if we are going to balance something here, at least let's not balance it based only on our point of view and on what kind of decks we have or on what kind of decks our opponents have. (im not trying to insult anyone, or point this at anyone, i just can't think of another way to put this, so sorry in advance if anyone feels offended, but it's not my intention to do so). I just observe, that whenever someone points out a potential weakness on something, we "fix" it too much and then we ruin the whole concept. Case in point: Nature, Prosperity, Aqua keyword, Prince of Thieves (it was way too cheap and now it's way too expensive for what it does).
Anyway, sorry for the long rant. Back on the subject: I think Cleansing is good as it is now. Perhaps we can make Wind, a Quick card again in order to tone down Elemental Storm and perhaps we can apply a few restrictions on Wildfire Gem, as it is clearly used only in Burning decks, i.e. it only affects the opponent negatively and it does so at a great length for a common card.