I agree with DPsycho. If we present that game limits are always applied we shouldn't allow the card actions to ignore these limits until the keyword effect is executed. Changed turn actions execution in
r1608 (changes will be applied soon)
1 - Cost of a card is substracted
2 - Effect of the card takes place
3 - Keywords with side-effects apply
4 - Game limits apply (resources cannot be lower than 0, wall below 0, facitlies below 1...)
5 - Resource production
6 - End game condition is checked
1 - card cost is subtracted
2 - card effect is executed
3 - game limits are applied
4 - token counters (if present) are updated based on card keywords
5 - keyword(s) effect is executed
6 - game limits are applied
7 - resource production is added to player's stock based on player's facilities
8 - end game condition is checked
Game limits
- facilities can't be lower than 1
- resources can't be lower than 0
- tower can't be lower than 0 or greater than 100 (150 in long mode)
- wall can't be lower than 0 or greater than 150 (225 in long mode)
- token counters can't be lower than 0 or greater than 100
- attack can't have a negative value