
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

Please log in

Indarija on 09:07, 26. Aug, 2010
We need a Chatroom.

A Chat could be a good way to find an opponent. The other don't need to wait. And so I hope, that a match will start faster.
Mojko on 16:10, 26. Aug, 2010
You can use our IRC channel (link is on the main page).
DPsycho on 17:59, 26. Aug, 2010
It's this site's best kept secret, apparently.
Indarija on 19:13, 26. Aug, 2010
Ich think it woudl be better, when the chat has a button near the Forum-Button.
It is nobody in the Chat. :(

And the login shoudl be easier.
theultramage on 06:52, 27. Aug, 2010
Since the irc-style chat scripts make you leave the chatroom when you close the page or go to some other url, to get this to work properly it would need some good ideas.
The only other solution I saw was a message log solution, something like our ingame chat, where the page would refresh once in a while. I don't find this solution very attractive either.