
Free multiplayer on-line fantasy card game

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DPsycho on 15:40, 5. Jul, 2010
Telescope, Uncommon, 5r
Brigand.Far sight.
Steals highest enemy resources depending on matching card.
(C-5, U-10, R-20)

I'm a bit unclear on what is being stolen. The highest resource? Split evenly between more than one resource in case of tie? Fully from both/all in case of tie? Randomly selected in case of tie?

What I mean is, if the matching card is Uncommon and opponent's resources are 8,12,12, which resource(s) is stolen and by how much? 10 from one of the 12's, 10 from both of the 12's, or 5 from each of the 12's?
Unexpected on 20:08, 5. Jul, 2010
10 from one of the 12's
Fithz Hood on 11:35, 6. Jul, 2010
DPsycho wrote:
Telescope, Uncommon, 5r
I'm a bit unclear on what is being stolen. The highest resource? Split evenly between more than one resource in case of tie? Fully from both/all in case of tie? Randomly selected in case of tie?

What I mean is, if the matching card is Uncommon and opponent's resources are 8,12,12, which resource(s) is stolen and by how much? 10 from one of the 12's, 10 from both of the 12's, or 5 from each of the 12's?

I suppose it works like poltergeist: when there is more than one option avaible the game choose a random one.
I like this card
DPsycho on 18:28, 6. Jul, 2010
In that case, I think the word "resources" should be replaced with "resource"
Fithz Hood on 07:58, 7. Jul, 2010
Now I understand the problem, yep it should be "resource"
I've removed the "s"