Forest Spirit, 15r, Uncommon
Beast. Nature.
Attack: 7 + N,
N = #Nature X #Beast cards in game.
My first thought was that this card would be too powerful, but thinking it though, the damage it could deal is comparable. Considering that it is both nature and beast, it will deal 8 damage minimum when no other keywords are present. If I were to toss it into my Beast deck, I could probably expect to play it with four or five other beasts in hand for a mere 12 or 13 damage (plus another 5 for the Beast keyword). If I had one other Nature in hand in the same scenarios, that would make it 17 or 19 damage (plus another 5 for the Beast keyword). It feels a bit like Dragon patrol - It's an expensive card by itself, but having two of it on hand (or customizing your deck to make its conditions more likely to be met) makes it worth the cost.
I don't see a combined Beast/Nature deck becoming popular through this, seeing as their effects don't mesh very well and playing Beast in the first place encourages having Beast cards alone on hand, though it would be interesting to try. The best case scenario would be having 8 of this very card on hand granting 7 + 8x8 = 71 damage (plus another 5 for the Beast keyword), a terribly unlikely situation.
As it stands now, I like it.