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DPsycho on 13:53, 19. Apr, 2010
Furious Behemoth 3/3/3
Durable. Enduring(3).
If last card played was Furious Behemoth:
Attack: damage caused to opponent last turn.

This is a very interesting idea. With every play, it deals previous damage plus three.

This could be devastating after Quick/Swift cards, and I wonder if that's intended. It seems to me that you could play Thor for 35 damage and then this card in the same turn, and on your next turn play this again for 38 damage rather inexpensively.
Progressor on 14:53, 19. Apr, 2010
Furious Behemoth 3/3/3
Durable. Enduring(3).
If last card played was Furious Behemoth:
Attack: damage caused to opponent last turn.

This sentence means the damage after Thor will be zero. This card is more like a more interesting variant of Troll.
DPsycho on 17:30, 19. Apr, 2010
You didn't read what I wrote closely enough, Progressor. The first play of it would be zero, but the next play of it would be 38. The previous turn dealt 35 damage and the last card was Furious Behemoth, so the conditions are all met.
Spoon on 19:17, 19. Apr, 2010
That's a good point, DPsycho, I never thought about it and it wasn't my original intention (though it is an interesting idea itself). I've edited the card to say: "If Furious Behemoth was only card played last turn."
DPsycho on 23:32, 19. Apr, 2010
Gotcha. Its effect is clear now, and it remains very intriguing.
Lord_Earthfire on 07:07, 20. Apr, 2010
DPsycho wrote:
You didn't read what I wrote closely enough, Progressor. The first play of it would be zero, but the next play of it would be 38. The previous turn dealt 35 damage and the last card was Furious Behemoth, so the conditions are all met.

Here I quote the previous effekt:

Furious Behemoth 3/3/3
Durable. Enduring(3).
If last card played was Furious Behemoth:
Attack: damage caused to opponent last turn.

Its mentioned the damage you dealed last turn, but the 35 damage were dealt in the turn before the last turn by Thor, since lumbering behemoth was the card played the last turn, but dealed only 3 damage. Theres a difference between round and turn, and these are two different numbers.

an example for this point:
Thor was played, dealing 35 damage.
The next turn, lumbering behemoth was played, dealing 3 damage.

the 35 damage would be only addited to the 3 damage if the text would be:
Attack: damage caused to opponent last round.

since the previous text only told "turn", the 35 Damage wouldn't be counted to the cards effect since you dealed 38 damage in the last round, but only 3 damage in the last turn.

In my oppinion, the new text is only an unecessary extention of the cards effect.
DPsycho on 14:19, 20. Apr, 2010
You're mixing the use of Round and Turn throughout your reasoning. A Round is the play of a single card. A Turn is the cumulative effect of everything done before the opponent can play again. When a Swift card like Thor is followed by another card, that is all one Turn.

Edit: I'm forgetting that Swift and Quick cards no longer advance the Round count. Looks like Round and Turn are presently synonymous, though that just means that a Round and a Turn both encompass the entirety of what a player does with Swift and Quick cards.

Edit: I see now that the manual describes Rounds as consisting of one or more Turns. Looks like I did have it backwards from the start.
Spoon on 00:02, 21. Apr, 2010
Even if the new version of the card were a little bit redundant, the difference between a Turn and a Round is not clear to many players, especially newer ones, so the clarification is, I think, quite justified and helpful.
Spoon on 21:12, 11. May, 2010
I've edited the card from:
If Lumbering Behemoth was only card played last turn:
Attack: damage caused to opponent last turn.
If Lumbering Behemoth was last turn:
Attack: damage caused to opponent by Lumbering Behemoth last turn.
The main difference is that now players are able to play quick/swift cards while using this card, without them adding to the damage caused by Lumbering Behemoth. Hope this is implementable?
Spoon on 13:22, 12. May, 2010
And fixed the typo in the above.
FilipeSilva on 14:22, 13. May, 2010
I think it's not's not store the damage done by each card in the previous turn
DPsycho on 14:24, 13. May, 2010
It would be soon, when the much-talked-about system revamp is in place.
Spoon on 00:10, 11. Nov, 2010
Well, I do believe the system has been revamped. I'd really like to see this card implemented.
Edruken on 01:18, 28. Jan, 2012
it is indeed a rather interesting variation of the enduring... hope it gets approved :)