Titan hierophant
Replace selected card in hand with Titan;
Summon Titan or Titan support card
BB code
Replace selected card in hand with Titan;
Summon Titan or Titan support card
My attempt at the code for this card:
//code for "Replace selected card in hand with Titan"
$mydata->Hand[$mode] = $this->DrawCard($this->GetList(array('keyword'=>"Titan")), $mydata->Hand, $mode, 'DrawCardList');
if ($mode == $cardpos) $nextcard = 0; else $mydata->NewCards[$mode] = 1;
//code for "Summon Titan or Titan support card"
$titan_n = $this->GetList(array('keyword'=>"Titan"));
$other_n = $this->GetList(array('support'=>"Titan"));
$nextcard = $this->DrawCard(array_unique(array_merge($titan_n, $other_n)), $mydata->Hand, $cardpos, 'DrawCardList');