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MeCho on 23:35, 26. Jan, 2016
Its good to see you guys notice OP cards but it still saddens me that you ignore the underpowered ones a underpowered card? np ill just wont pick and will be glad when opponents pick it this is the mindset of most players i think
Zaton on 01:55, 27. Jan, 2016
MeCho wrote:
Its good to see you guys notice OP cards but it still saddens me that you ignore the underpowered ones a underpowered card? np ill just wont pick and will be glad when opponents pick it this is the mindset of most players i think

You can't really pretend you have no problem with it when you just said you were saddened by it, and also post about it off topic:/
DPsycho on 15:26, 27. Jan, 2016
[moderator DPsycho: Splitting off new thread for posts unrelated to the discussed card]
dimitris on 15:32, 27. Jan, 2016
I guess balancing is a two-way process. You make a card stronger or weaker explicitly and at the same time, one or more cards become weaker or stronger implicitly.
MeCho on 18:58, 6. Feb, 2016
Scylla,Centaur trainer,Ancient sage,Northern fortress and Dragon nest are just few examples of underpowered cards
Lord_Earthfire on 15:19, 9. Feb, 2016
Neither Dragon nest nor Centaur trainer are underpowered. They deliver what dragon and beast decks need: Some facilities while replacing themself with usefull rares for a reasonable cost. They are not just as efficient as other cards, which is completely fine to a certain degree. Balancing can never be a perfect act, since you need a little varience. else you fall easily into the trap of going with the powercreep.

Ancient sage was overpowered and was luckly nerfed. Although to a degree in which it is only playable in dedicated alliance decks. And i haven't seen such decks since the alliance/runic split. This cardset need to recover first (with new commons and uncommons, who needs Myriam if the amount of alliance commons and uncommons is unsatisfiing) before we can really judge on ancient sage.

Northern fortress was nerfed by the new-flag change. Well, this is something it can happen. Of course it could need a little buff.

I'm completely fine with Scylla. Of course, for itself it is somewhat low efficient, but you have to look to the contextual. Aqua decks really don't need another buff and Scylla is already often played in them. Above this, the Aqua and Skrimish keyword are pretty powerfull. You are right when you say that this card is somewhat less efficient, but in fact, i wouldn't like to see a more powerfull Scylla, since Aqua decks are already powerfull enough.

But well, in the end, MArcomage is a small community and the devs have got other things to do besides keeping track of everything, like making money or others (And thank you guys for keeping this game alive :) ). You need a long breath until something is changed. And then, please consider not just the cards for themself, but also the context in which they are played.
MeCho on 13:23, 25. Feb, 2016
Dragon Nest IS underpowered you actually commented on my review about it and agreed to one of my changes-have you forgotten ?

Centaur trainer gives only +2 to Dungeon where it costs 17 Recruits which is highly used in Beast decks where you can get the same amount with Forge master for 11 Recruits not to mention that you pay 13 Gems with Centaur trainer and that Beast rares are quite weak especially if you are playing non Frenzy beast deck and get a Frenzy Beast rare (Which has a fairly high chance of happening) but wait theres even more if all those cons werent enought you might even get a Centaur trainer again there are simply better rares

Northern Fortress-Was weak before the flag change its even worse now...rule of thumb:If you can afford get Border fortress instead if you cant- then get Warlord keep

Ancient Sage- Again just compare it to Miriam the diffrence is obvious i dont have it in my Alliance deck because there are simply much better rares this card only acts as a nerf to Ancient city similary as Forest dragon in Dragon decks

Scylla-While i believe Aqua to be on the powerful side i think its not close to Undead and that Scylla could use some buffing and some other Aqua cards could be nerfed to compensate Sea gate and Sea monster is good place to start